• dive(at)scuba1(.)ro
  • +40 723 645 778

GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL se angajeaza sa foloseasca datele clientilor exclusiv pentru scopul pentru care au fost introduse – informari comerciale despre serviciile comercializate. Ne obligam sa nu transmitem datele personale catre terti si sa respectam confidentialitatea datelor. GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL  nu incurajeaza SPAM-ul, nu facem schimb de adrese de email obtinute prin intermediul acestui site, nu divulgam adresa dumneavoastra de email altor persoane, nu furnizam adresa dumneavoastra catre terti.
In cazul optarii pentru plata on line, procesarea datelor de card se face in mod exclusiv pe site securizat SSL iar GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL / shop.scuba1.ro nu solicita si nu stocheaza nici un fel de detalii referitoare la cardul dumneavoastra.

Nota de informare privind protectia datelor personale
Conform cerintelor Legii nr. 677/2001 pentru protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date, modificata si completata si ale Legii nr. 506/2004 privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si protectia vietii private in sectorul comunicatiilor electronice GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL are obligatia de a administra numai pentru scopurile specificate datele personale pe care ni le furnizati despre dumneavoastra sau o alta persoana si in conditii de maxima securitate.
Conform Legii nr. 677/2001, beneficiati de dreptul de acces, de interventie si editare a datelor, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale precum si dreptul de a va adresa justitiei sau sa va opuneti prelucrarii datelor personale care va privesc si sa solicitati stergerea datelor. Pentru a beneficia de aceste drepturi, va rugam sa ne trimiteti o cerere scrisa prin posta sau curier rapid pe adresa societatii noastre.

Dreptul de a va modifica si sterge datele detinute de www.scuba1.ro
Www.scuba1.ro confera dreptul utilizatorului de a modifica/edita datele de contact inregistrate sau de a va dezabona de la sericiul de newsletter. De asemenea aveti dreptul sa ne solicitati stergerea datelor dumneavoastra oricand fara a motiva decizia aleasa.

Cookies (cookie-uri)
Acest website foloseste cookie-uri care sunt stocate pe calculatorul tau. Cookie-urile sunt fisiere de tip text, care sunt copiate temporar de catre website pe HDD-ul tau. Cookie-urile nu provoaca nici o dauna computerului tau si nici nu contin virusi. Cookie-urile de pe website-ul nostru nu colecteaza date personale despre tine. Ocazional, cookie-urile pot servi unui scop suplimentar in anumite sectiuni ale site-ului, de exemplu sa pastreze cosul tau de cumparaturi sau anumite preferinte legate de afisarea produselor in catalog.

Www.scuba1.ro ofera posibilitatea de a trimite comentarii, intrebari si sugestii sau de a propune produse. Toate datele trimise de catre dumneavoastra in aceste scopuri vor fi folosite tinand cont de confidentialitatea si securitatea datelor dumneavoastra.

Modificari ale politicii de confidentialitate
Daca consideram ca este necesara o schimbare a regulilor de confidentialitate, vom publica respectivele modificari in aceasta pagina pentru a va informa cu privire la tipurile de informatii pe care le colectam si modul in care le utilizam. Daca aveti intrebari cu privire la politica noastra de confidentialitate va rugam sa ne contactati.



GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL undertakes to use customer data exclusively for the purpose for which they were introduced – commercial information about the services sold. We undertake not to transmit personal data to third parties and to respect the confidentiality of the data. GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL does not encourage the SPAM, we do not exchange email addresses obtained through this site, we do not disclose your email address to others, we do not provide your address to third parties.

In case of opting for online payment, the processing of card data is done exclusively on the SSL secure site and GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL / shop.scuba1.ro does not request and does not store any details regarding your card.

Information note on the protection of personal data

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented and of Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector GU Marine Expert Consulting SRL has the obligation to manage only for the specified purposes the personal data you provide us about you or another person and in conditions of maximum security .

According to Law no. 677/2001, you benefit on the right of access, intervention and editing of data, the right not to be subjected to an individual decision as well as the right to go to court or to oppose the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of data. To benefit from these rights, please send us a written request by mail or express courier to our company.

The right to modify and delete your data held by www.scuba1.ro

Www.scuba1.ro gives the user the right to modify / edit the registered contact data or to unsubscribe from the newsletter series. You also have the right to request the deletion of your data at any time without giving reasons for the chosen decision.


This website uses cookies that are stored on your computer. Cookies are text files that are temporarily copied by the website to your HDD. Cookies do not cause any harm to your computer and do not contain viruses. The cookies on our website do not collect personal data about you. Occasionally, cookies may serve an additional purpose in certain sections of the site, for example to keep your shopping cart or certain preferences related to the display of products in the catalog.


Www.scuba1.ro offers the possibility to send comments, questions and suggestions or to propose products. All data sent by you for these purposes will be used taking into account the confidentiality and security of your data.

Changes to the privacy policy

If we deem it necessary to change your privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page to inform you of the types of information we collect and how we use it. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.